Kurdistan Democratic Party was established on 16 August 1946 under the leadership of the late Mustafa Barzani. The leadership and organisational structure of the Party is as following: President Vice President Political Bureau Central Committee The structure and party administration is divided into regions or branches known as “liq”, districts as “nawcha”, local organisations as “rek-khraw” and cells as “shana”. Kurdischen Demokratischen Partei war 16 gegründet im August 1946 unter der Leitung des verstorbenen Mustafa Barzani. Die Führung und Organisationsstruktur der Partei ist wie folgt: Präsident Vizepräsident Politbüros ZK Die Struktur und die Partei-Regierung oder aufgeteilt in Regionen Zweige als "fl", Bezirken als "nawcha", lokale Organisationen wie "rek-khraw" und Zellen als "Shana" bekannt. Eack liq is subdivided into nawchas; nawchas into rek-khraws and rek-khraws into shanas.
- 1st Branch – Dohuk
- 2nd Branch – Hewler
- 3rd Branch – Kerkuk
- 4th Branch – Silemani
- 5th Branch – Formerly Baghdad
- 6th Branch – Europe (London)
- 7th Branch – Northern America (Washington DC)
- 8th Branch – Iran
- 9th Branch – Aqra
- 10th Branch – Soran (Rwanduz region)
- 11th Branch – Rania/Qala Diza
- 12th Branch – Halabja
- 14th Branch - Mosul
- 15th Branch - Dyala-Qaniqin
- 16th Branch - Hewler-Shawis
- 17th Branch - Shingal
- 18th Branch - Amedi
- 19th Branch - Jamjamal
- 20th Branch - Shekhan
- 21st Branch - Canada
- 22nd Branch - Garmiyan-Kalar
- 23rd Branch - Makhmor
- 24th Branch - Shaqlawa
Liqa 8 li Îranê ne maye, niha li Bajêrê Zaxo ye,,,,,,,,,,,,,,